Michele Gelli
Evil Genius
Designer, IT technician, scriptwriter, effective communicator, critic. Has had every job you can possibly have at a publishing company. He is Narrattiva‘s founder and the writer of the best selling rpg game in Italy.

Pietro Canovai
Production Assistant
Pietro is an actor and game designer born and raised in a tiny Tuscanian town. While he loves RPGs, his actual reason for joining Narrattiva was getting the infinite reserve of piadine romagnole every Narrattiva employee gets. He is a production assistant and the social media / PR manager of the team.

Luca Cearini
Production Assistant
Straight out of Livorno, Luca is a programmer and artist who unintentionally ended up in Narrattiva, and has then somehow become an integral part of the team. Gunpla lover and (livornese) cake enthusiast, he is a production assistant and technician.

Michela Da Sacco
Illustrator and comic artist, has been working for italian and foreign companies since 2002. Michela has been working with every major italian comic publisher since 2011. Michela has been regularly collaborating with Narrattiva as an illustrator. Illustration and comics aside, Michela loves cinema and indie RPGs.