
Since 2012 Narrattiva and Manicomix have entered into a distribution agreement which opened the new generation Indie roleplay games the doors of the Games Academy franchise.
We are excited to have found another partner who has a clear market vision, with whom develop partnerships that are not strictly limited to the distribution. We had occasion to visit several Games Academy sales points and we are happy that our games have been well accepted.
Narrattiva, since Lucca Comics & Games 2014, is indeed distributed exclusively by Manicomix! The latest covers, in fact, have a double brand: Narrattiva and Manicomix (owner of the Games Academy franchise).
“Our experience teaches us that working through partnerships with similar realities for values and communication methods leads to great results. Publish great games is the Narrattiva vocation, ours is to make products reach as many customers as possible.” – Lorenzo Moretti, Manicomix Director
Contacts Commercial Department:
Lorenzo Moretti
Email: distribuzione@manicomix.it
Telephone: (+39) 030/2106970

Narrattiva is also distributed and sold by Terra dei Giochi, which arises in energic and innovative Rimini, on the Adriatic shore, from roleplaying games passion and from the desire to share this passion. On the Terra dei Giochi website is possible to buy Narrattiva games through their online store.
via del Cavallo 14 – Rimini (RN)
Telephone: (+39) 380 75 91 444
Email: store@terradeigiochi.it