Narrattiva is an editorial label of Studio Shadow, founded in Italy in 2006 after the enthusiasm aroused by the new Role Playing games, more modern and varied, appeared in the United States around the early 2000s.

Narrattiva was the first editorial label to see the potential of this innovation, bringing it in Italy with the targeted production and distribution of the most successful and critically acclaimed games, through charming graphics and original formats. These games are able, more than others, to create exciting and depth stories through an active and shared narration among a group of players, and it is this feature which gives its name to the publishing house.


Before being a name we are a group of players, deeply passionate about RPGs, since its beginnings. We are people who play. We are the friend who propose you a game because we tried it and it touched us.


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In addition to Narrattiva, we have experience with hundreds of products of all types (audio-visual, games, books, comics) adapted from multiple languages (English, Korean, Japanese) with world famous franchises (Dragonball, SpongeBob Squarepants, Neon Genesis Evangelion, etc). We have been contributors to many major italian magazines (Excalibur Kaos), as well as authors of the best-selling role-playing game of Italy*.

* = “An Original system, the UNauthorides Bastard!! RPG” was sold in over 50,000 copies, but it was an attachment to “Bastard !!”, the Granata Press bestseller manga of the time.

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