Bacchanalia ENG-DEU


Furor immanis vini et deorum.

Bertinoro, 61 d.C.; you’re on the run with the person you love, on charges of having committed a crime against the Roman Empire.  Nel caos del baccanale causato dall’arrivo degli dei dell’Olimpo, riuscirete a sfuggire agli inseguitori e a raggiungere la salvezza?

In the chaos of the bacchanal caused by the arrival  of the Olympian gods, will you be able to escape from the pursuers and reach safety?


Bacchanalia ENG-DEU

Bacchanalia is a narrative game for 3-6 people. Following the rules, each player creates a fictional character: a person accused (justly or not) of a crime against the empire and on the run with her lover. The game starts when the protagonists find themselves passing through Bertinoro, a settlement on the hills of Romagna by the Via Aemilia and close to the Ravenna port.

Unfortunately for them, in that torrid summer, Bacchus and his followers came down to this village surrounded by vineyards. Attracted by the excesses brought forth by intoxication, other gods manifest themselves: cruel Pluto, severe Minerva and the sensuous Venus will play with the destiny of mortals with all the thoughtlessness only gods can have. In the chaos of the bacchanal, will the fugitives be able to reunite with their beloved and get to safety? Or will they meet a harsher end? Will they be caught by their accuser? Or will they be lost forever in the rapture of the bacchanal?

To learn the answer, you only have to play a complete game.